Mrs Patchwork, bring me a dream, make it complexion like peaches and cream...

dimanche 20 avril 2008

Happy Birthday Clémence...

ça y est le grand jour est arrivé, petite Clémence à 3 ans, déjà !!
ça veut dire que je peux dévoiler le cadeau fait main :

voili voilou, la marraine est très fière de son petit cadô!...
et la semaine prochaine c'est petite pochette faite main pour le petit frêre...à suivre!

jeudi 10 avril 2008

my mother's quilt

well, I wanted to make something special for my parents, and my mum talked about pink, peach and red...I couldn't resist such a tempting mix of colours. I loved working on it. I pieced every single rhombus by hands and I had to do it quit because we were short before Christmas, and the miracle happened :

Isn't it a wonderful quilting, nice and tidy, isn't it aunt Solange?

Well I must admit that I am quite proud of my 'réussite'... be followed with other beauty!

mercredi 9 avril 2008

Les fameux paniers rouges

aujourd'hui c'est en français parce que c'est plus facile parfois pour s'exprimer, surtout à 11heures du soir! Alors voilà, les paniers et moi , c'est une longue histoire. Je suis en plein dedans et c'est le bonheur, mon patch fera 36 paniers, dans les l'adore.

Voici un florilège de mes meilleurs photos, en attendant de voir le résultat final!!
alors en attendant, bonne nuit...

lundi 7 avril 2008

Let's get to work!

well last night I knew I had to stitch something but I needed to get organised first. So I looked in the 'Broderie Blanche' (white stitching) the 'B' that my grandmother sewed and my mother gave me recently as a very precious heritage : The mother of my father died when he was ten.

So I took all my threads (I love all of them, I am cray about my bobbins, such lovely colors !!) and the delice began :

I got to work, I am quite proud of the result, I choose pink/purple and it is delicate and sweet to my eyes. Isn't life beautiful?

to be continued...have a nice day. It is fresh and sunny here, lovely!

dimanche 6 avril 2008

First day for my dream come true !...

Woaw, my firt message for my brain new blog...such an excitement! I took so many photos of my UFO's that I need to get organised before I can show them and explain about my ideas and projects !!
I can't believe I eventually began my own blog, well everything's happen one day.
My blog will talk a lot about quilting (patchwork in french), sewing and may be even about mosaïcs that I made last year. But that an other story.
What a beautiful sunday I am living!!! well let's get to find out how it works, I have to add my favourite pictures now...

this is where we live :

...well, the beautiful view that we have from our bedroom!

...and from our kitchen !

take care and à bientôt.