Mrs Patchwork, bring me a dream, make it complexion like peaches and cream...

lundi 7 avril 2008

Let's get to work!

well last night I knew I had to stitch something but I needed to get organised first. So I looked in the 'Broderie Blanche' (white stitching) the 'B' that my grandmother sewed and my mother gave me recently as a very precious heritage : The mother of my father died when he was ten.

So I took all my threads (I love all of them, I am cray about my bobbins, such lovely colors !!) and the delice began :

I got to work, I am quite proud of the result, I choose pink/purple and it is delicate and sweet to my eyes. Isn't life beautiful?

to be continued...have a nice day. It is fresh and sunny here, lovely!

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